The Patriarchal Fantasy and its Discontents
The masculine desire towards the feminine, at least with respect to women, seems irredeemable today. The aggression in it is...
Nomadic Ethics
The home of complaints that found no legitimate "position."
Your move, Internet.
The masculine desire towards the feminine, at least with respect to women, seems irredeemable today. The aggression in it is...
It's not neo-fascism. Look around. But don't just look around, Look back. And What you see isn't that. Not fascism, not even neo-fascism....
Something about fracking our souls
My fellow men,
If the wrong Zion was born from the hatred of Christians, the good Zion will be born from the love of Muslims. always a disappointment. Baudelaire was right. Evil is a flower, the symbol of a stunted fruit born premature. That is why Hannah...
[A trial by fire to our recent subscribers. Welcum!] 'Anal' Sex Something to be said about this phenomenon. As a heterosexual male, I...
Splitting Hairs to Splitting Atoms The problem, which is still largely ignored to this day, is that in order to achieve this kind of...
Jewish Pride consists in their ethical singularity - a chosenness, a height - assured by a transcendent God. The Judaic ethics, which was...
It is unlikely we can undo the damage we have done to our world - be it the toxins spewed into the Earth or those currently frothing out...
*An Arash Akhgari and DoctorHuh Collaboration; all rights reserved.
Sometimes an image speaks more clearly than I can write. *An Arash Akhgari and DoctorHuh Collaboration; all rights reserved.
SLAVE ETHICS (or, SLAVE AND OTHER VIS-A-VIS) "The ant who eats [and works] and does not speak, speaks, nevertheless, to chase out the...
[I speak only one language - that of toxic masculinity. It isn’t mine.] HETERO-MISOGYNY: FROM PENIS TO PHALLUS (AND BACK AGAIN?) Being...
HOSTILE HOSPITALITY: THE CHAIN-REACTION I encountered it first in this, Anglo-Protestant, 'west.' No one, where I come from, ever said...
Credit where credit is due: The quote is from George Lucas' Star Wars IV: A New Hope (1977). The picture is my mutilated version of...
Abyss calls out to abyss. Originally, it's a biblical term (Psalms 42:7). Christian hermeneutics does not often do justice with the...